Cloud insights

The Most Common Myths About the Public Cloud 

For many people, Cloud is still difficult to fathom. What are the most common myths, and what is the real deal? Read all about the most common myths around Cloud and learn how to deal with them.


The following myths are tackled in this paper:

  1. The public cloud is more expensive than an on-premise solution
  2. Data is more secure in my local environment than in a public cloud
  3. Once the data is in the cloud, the company loses its data sovereignty
  4. If I have a problem with my infrastructure, I will set up a support ticket with the provider
  5. The cloud runs by itself! I can save staff
  6. After I migrate to the cloud, I lose track of my costs
  7. Microsoft Office 365, these are Office applications in the cloud that I can only use online

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common myths about the public cloud